How to get Norton Safe Web on your website

Norton Safe Web is a tool that allow users to rate the websites they browse and get warnings on potential malware in the site.
Go to Norton and sign up

Click on Sign Up for an account with Norton Save Web if you haven’t already done so. Continue reading How to get Norton Safe Web on your website

Create an XML sitemap that can be submitted to Google, Bing, Yahoo

How to create an XML sitemap that can be submitted to Google, Bing,
Yahoo and other search engines to help them crawl your website better for free.

To find a sitemap generator go to following webpage

With xml-sitemap a maximum of 500 pages will be indexed in sitemap and get it done in four simple steps.
Continue reading Create an XML sitemap that can be submitted to Google, Bing, Yahoo

LPGraphics provide you with all aspects of graphics, websites, digital printing, multimedia, video production, 3D designs.

We provide you with all aspects of graphics, websites, digital printing, multimedia, video production, 3D designs and animation.
Continue reading LPGraphics provide you with all aspects of graphics, websites, digital printing, multimedia, video production, 3D designs.

Comparing Dreamweaver Static and Dynamic sites

Comparing Dreamweaver Static and Dynamic sites

There are two kinds of websites you can create in Dreamweaver static site where you build al of your pages on your computer then upload it to the server.
A dynamic site is in which all the pages are created from a database. The content is created when the user loads the pages of a search or some other request to accessing information.
Continue reading Comparing Dreamweaver Static and Dynamic sites